Fresh Perspective

The success of the Mangalyaan Mission
It is a proud moment for all Indians. India has achieved the seemingly impossible task of the successful launch of a spacecraft in the orbit of the Red Planet Mars with a number of firsts.http://ww...
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Annamrita – Food For Life - A Revolutionary Movement
Anna means food and Amrita means Nectar. So Annamrita together put stands for "food as pure as nectar"Nectar is the food of the Gods and if this is available on Earth what can it be?It is the daily...
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Car Keys - We will miss you!! All thanks to our Genius Indian lad
The other day browsing the net I came across something interesting. So I thought that it could interest a few and perk up thousands of others who could be genuinely keen to follow it up.Here is som...
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Team Modi - The New Cabinet of Ministers headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
[gallery type="slideshow" ids="4764,4763,4762"]Lok Sabha Elections 2014 got over on May 12th and the results were declared on May 16th 2014.BJP emerged as the largest single party with 282 seats an...
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The incredible victory of our PM-in-waiting – Mr.Narendra Modi
[gallery type="slideshow" ids="4678,4679,4680,4681"]May 16th 2014, came after an agonizing wait for millions who were eager to know the fate of the country after such a keenly fought, long and tiri...
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If only elections 2014 would throw up a miracle of single party rule
The BJP must win and with a comfortable majority!It is not a wish due to any love for the party nor any allegiance owed to anybody within it. It is a plain statement that comes from simple reasonin...
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Pepper Spray - Learn the New usage from Indian Parliament
Pepper Spray – A new use discovered.The recent sprinkling of Pepper Spray in the air, by Congress MP L.Rajagopalan in Parliament, when the Telengana Bill was being tabled by the Speaker for vote, h...
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The beauty of potholes on the road!!
If you are a regular user of roads either on your two-wheeler or four-wheeler I’m sure the potholes that are part of a wonderful design, would definitely catch your fancy.Never in a line, and bette...
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Increase in the ranks of the elderly – raise social concerns about their living
Sometime back I was browsing through a detailed study on the elderly in India. An armory of supporting figures and alarming facts!Conducted by a team from the Central Statistics Office of the Stati...
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LPG Gas Shortage - A Green Take
With so much of Green and more Green coming into the market, it is heartening to note that people are getting highly environmental-friendly. Cars, Refrigerators, Computers, Bulbs, and a whole lot o...
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