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Article: Launch of Swadesh


Launch of Swadesh

Hare Krishna!
Welcome friends!
Today we start a new chapter in Unnati’s journey- with the birth of Swadesh.
Unnati has had a reasonably long innings in the field of textiles, slightly more than three decades as a fact, and by God’s grace the journey embarked on in 1980, has despite the challenges taken up, been fairly smooth and proving our worst fears wrong.
Today after more than thirty years, in reflection, we see the phenomenal transformation of the small single store selling fabrics that Unnati had started as, into a dynamic and vibrant 200 + strong family enterprise having global operations across the world.
And this would not have been possible without the shape given to a fanciful dream by the active participation of the extremely talented, devoted and dedicated ethnic craftsmen of traditional styles pan India, who had belief in our vision.
Today from where we stand, looking back in time, when traditional handloom fabrics were being swamped over by the mushrooming mass-produced, cheaply available fabrics from the modern power looms of the textile industry, Unnati persisted in its vision of contributing in the nation’s mite of getting handloom fabrics their place in the sun. I must say our unshaken faith and belief that rested in traditional handlooms has been vindicated.
Swadesh is from Unnati’s need.
The more endearing face of this organizational entity, Swadesh will be the Voice of Unnati.
Its alter ego in other terms, Swadesh will put forth views, opinions, takes and tastes – all for the silent faced Unnati.
Unnati has conveyed many a thing through its images and offerings. Swadesh shall add through simple worded blogs and articles what Unnati would have liked to say.
Over the year we shall be posting blogs on fabric topics that we are already involved in. But as a part of society Unnati would also like to make its contribution by presenting its views, share news and express itself on matters of relevance that concern all of us. We do hope it would be interesting enough and thought-provoking too.
Today, in the commencement of this new chapter called Swadesh, on this Republic Day, we pray that the Lord guide us in our onward journey in the continued delivery of fabrics with taste and appeal to you and that we do our bit in the preservation of a rich legacy through successive generations.
May the year 2014 be a harbinger of better things to come for each one of you.

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