Vaikuntha Ekadashi – Salvation from the life cycle of Karma
Vaikuntha Ekadashi occurs every year during the Dhanurmasa period in the Hindu calendar. This corresponds to the period between late December to mid January in the English calendar.
There are 24 Ekadashis in the Hindu calendar year. This is the Ekadashi that is considered most auspicious of all and it is considered that observing fast on this day is equivalent to fasting on all the twenty-three remaining Ekadashis.
Considered as the opening of the door to the inner sanctum of Lord Vishnu, it is the day of salvation for those who pray and take part in the religious programmes in the name of Lord Vishnu. Special prayers, holy discourses, rites and similar offerings in remembrance of the Lord would deliver the devotees is believed and take place all around the world in temples of Lord Vishnu.
Stories asscoiated with Vaikuntha Ekadashi go like this :
- Vaikuntha or the Lord’s abode was opened to two demons despite their nature and who online casino dgfev in turn sought the boon that whoever listened about their story and perceived the image of Lord Vishnu coming out of the inner door should get salvation. Many temples across India have this structure made for devotees to pass through in symbolism.
- The Gods were being tyrannized by a strong demon called Muran and Lord Vishnu while in his fight with him retired to a cave to seek a new weapon to destroy this demon and when the demon attacked while he was sleeping, the female energy from within the Lord burnt the demon to ashes. This pleased the Lord who named the force as Ekadashi and when granted a boon asked the Lord to grant redemption from sin to who so ever fasted on this day.
Significance is attached to this in the modern age by considering the evil qualities of lust, passion, greed and many others which make a man sin, are burnt by surrendering one’s spirit to the Lord through fasting and hearing about his glory on this very auspicious day.
The event concerning Muran and his destruction by Ekadashi occurred in Dhanurmasa on Shukla Paksha Ekadashi. Hence this is considered the most auspicious of all.
Hindus from all over the world who maintain this fasting rigorously from dawn to next dawn.
Temples all over including the very famous Srirangam temple and Tirupathi have the inner sanctum door open to devotees throughout the day allowing them to get close to the Lord by circling the area around the inner sanctum. Since it is opened only once a year and that too on this day, it is believed that those who pass through this door will be delivered from evil.