Use of PC by housewives – a small tale
Mr.Gupta has a computer at home. A PC with 360 Gb capacity, it helps him complete the incomplete work from office in the comfort of his home. Sandeep, his son uses it for mail, chatting with friends, and net surfing in general. What does Mrs.Gupta, being a housewife, do? She had been initiated to the net a month ago by Mr.Gupta and barring sending and receiving e-mails she did not know how to use it. Her friend Radhika chanced to visit her that afternoon.
“Hi, Anjali, long time no see! So I decided to pop in.” she uttered. “Oh! Do you require to be told to drop in? You know how much I love your refreshing visits,” replied Mrs.Gupta. “I have to catch up with the gossip in our social circuit and also use your knowledge of computers to improve myself. Tell me what can I do on my computer so that I could please hubby, talk intelligently with him and my son and be looked upon in our circle.”
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“Hey!” exclaimed Radhika. “Do I sense competition? Will I get the same “Bhaav” like now, once you get level with me?” she uttered with her eyes twinkling. Then she said seriously “Good! At least I will have someone who will benefit from the PC revolution and spend her time more usefully than passing the time with e-mails.”
She continued” Women who are professionally qualified are computer-educated. Those who are employed in offices would have done some course here or there, since nowadays one needs to be computer-literate to be able to get a decent job. But what about the housewife confined to the four walls of the house or lacking enough to do due to a family situation? That is why I say, women who get the opportunity and freedom to explore should indulge in the worthwhile uses of the PC.”
“How?” asked Anjali. “Well, start with the internet. You have been sending and receiving E-mails. You have also used social media like Facebook, Twitter to interact with friends. Extend it to a decent chat forum which caters to sensible and relevant topics of interest. Contribute your views and you will soon have your set of friends, fans and admirers.”
“Then?” questioned Anjali. The internet is the biggest library in the world and you can search for articles, contributions from knowledgeable people on a subject which you would like to know more about. It increases your fund of knowledge, opens up your mind to new aspects of things and also trains the mind to have an approach to newer things that you may encounter.”
She continued ”You love cooking and like to learn new recipes. There are very many Indian sites that give new recipes from different parts of the country, the equivalent words for the ingredients, the hints of the special touch of the region etc. etc. Why don’t you surprise Prakash and Bunty with your culinary experiments?”
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Seeing the smile spreading to a grin on Anjali’s face, Radhika followed up with “I have chat friends from Japan and Korea and Philippines. We all being from Asia, we are able to relate to our closely resembling cultures. We speak about general topics in a chat room we have created and exchange information on cooking, family tastes, lifestyle in our countries, even how to bring up children.”
“How do I find such friends? asked Anjali. “No problem” said Radhika, “I will introduce you as my close friend to our chat room and you can join in the discussion. Later you can explore similar forums and join another chat room.”
” You are keen on knitting and crochet. There are very many sites which can provide useful designs and other help for people like you. There may even be professionals who could be giving useful tips. You may also be able to contribute some facet which may be new to other members on that site.”
Seeing the interest growing and an eager expression on Anjali’s face, Radhika said,” You have sites for books, music, news, movie reviews, etc. etc. In other words, the sky is the limit. In your addiction you may even forget your good friend Radhika.” “What yaar! You think your Anjali is so self-centred. And who would come to my aid in case I am lost on the way? retorted Anjali.
“That reminds me”, said Radhika, “you said that you find it exhausting to prepare your shopping list and even more difficult to budget, with so many corrections, deletions, adjustments and re-writing each time. Your offline companion MS Excel will not only allow you to prepare your list but will tolerate all the changes that you may make without complaining. You can keep on changing items and corresponding prices and the figures of the total keep changing accordingly. So there you are! Budget the way you want it and take a print-out off your Laser jet. As long as you don’t overshoot the budget very much Prakash will not mind in the least. He would even be proud that you are helping him and flaunt your prowess to his friends.”
“Dear, there are a whole lot of online shopping websites, which have a long list of Stores and their products to choose from and which get your stuff delivered home. Try it sometime, will you? “
“Radhika! You are a genius!Online Shopping, here I come.” exclaimed Anjali excitedly.
Inwardly smiling, Radhika silently congratulated herself on having initiated the eleventh housewife into the world of PCs.