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visiting places in Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India, Unnati Silks

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Places to visit in and around Arani

There are no places worth visiting in Arani or around it. Instead those visiting Arani as a hub of a handloom variety of sarees would prefer to visit close by Thirunnamalai and see sights of interest.

Places to visit in Thiruannamalai

Sri Ramana Ashram

Arunachlam (Thiruannamalai) is one of the most revered spiritual destinations. The magnificent temple of Arunachala and Sri Ramanashramam on the foot hills of Anunachala towards the south of hills are must visit to experience. Few things are quite difficult to put in words. Ramanashramam is the place where Sri Ramana Maharshi spent lot of his time after his long meditation on the Arunachala hills at Skandashramam and Virupaksha cave for nearly 23 years from year and have blessed with his darshan to devotees from both India.

Arunachlam (Thiruannamalai) is one of the most revered spiritual destinations. The magnificent temple of Arunachala and Sri Ramanashramam on the foot hills of Anunachala towards the south of hills are must visit to experience.

Even today you can experience his presence even though he attained Maha samadhi in year 1950 Sri Ramanashramam has a temple Shiva built on samadhi of Sri Ramana Maharshi's mother Shri Alagammal and a meditation hall where Sri Ramana Maharshi samadhi is placed. There are several daily rituals of Vedic chants and spiritual discourses carried out. But special events like Maha deepam and Pogal are celebrated with large number of Devotees

This ashram also has a very good library and book stall for the people seeking further guidance on Shri Ramana Maharshi teachings and they offer accommodation and meals to people who write to Ashram in advance.

Sri Ramana Maharshi samadhi

Arunachaleshwara Temple

Very very huge temple. The temple complex has separate temples for Ganesha, Subrahmanya, Parvathy. The main temple for Lord Shiva(Arunachaleswara) It is the largest Shiva temple, situated in the picturesque Annamalai hills. Believed to be the largest Shiva temple in the world, the history of Arunachaleswarar Temple dates back to thousands of years. Spread over 10 hectares of land at the base of the Annamalai hills, the temple houses 4 gopurams or gateway towers.

Arunachaleshwara Temple, Tamil Nadu

One of the ‘Pancha Bhootha Sthalam’ dedicated to Lord Shiva. This is Agni Lingam, Lord is called as Arunachaleshwara, Annamayalar. The temple is located at the foot hills of Annamalai Hills. His consort is called as Unnamulai Amman.

the ‘Pancha Bhootha Sthalam’ dedicated to Lord Shiva. This is Agni Lingam, Lord is called as Arunachaleshwara, Annamayalar. The temple is located at the foot hills of Annamalai Hills. His consort is called as Unnamulai Amman.

According my friends and known people this is believed to be the largest temple in the world dedicated to Shiva. The history of this Annamalayar temple dates back to thousand years. This Hindu temples for Lord Shiva has 6 sculpted towers reaching up to 217-feet high & shrines. I visited with my cousin and his son from Namakkal. We Rented a room near the temple and visited the temple early in the morning then went for Girivalam which is about 14 Kilometers surrounding this temple. Normally the pilgrims walk or use the car if cannot walk. We went to Life and teachings of the Saint. Includes information about the Ramana Maharshi Asramam at Thiuvannamalai .Where you can get accommodation to visit the temple.

Annamalai Hills

Thiruvannamalai temple is one of the largest temples in India. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva in the form of Fire. It is part of five pancha bhootha siva temples dedicated to wind, water, earth, sky and fire. The lord is called as Arunachaleswarar. As usual you will find a large number of minor temple inside dedicated to various Gods associated with Siva and excellent sculptures on the temple walls depicting both Shiva and Vishnu mythological figures. The temple is more than 1000 year old, but maintained very well. The temple has four big vimanams as the four entrances East, South, West and North. Avoid going there on Full moon day as the crowds will be enormous. People also walk around the hill adjacent to the temple which is about 14 km and takes about 4 to 5 hours. Along the path various amenities and smaller shrines are present to help with the walking. It is a great experience.

Thiruvannamalai temple is one of the largest temples in India. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva in the form of Fire. It is part of five pancha bhootha siva temples dedicated to wind, water, earth, sky and fire.

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